Characteristics of Myanmar Specified Technical Intern Trainees
"High Japanese ability"
Burmese and Japanese share similar grammar, making Japanese an easily learnable language for Burmese individuals. Additionally, the strong motivation to travel to Japan due to economic reasons leads to a high enthusiasm for learning the Japanese language. Sending institutions and Japanese language schools attract many candidates with a strong desire to learn, creating an excellent environment for Japanese language acquisition. As a result, Burmese specified skilled trainees often exhibit a higher proficiency in Japanese compared to trainees from other countries.

"A personality very similar to Japan person"
Myanmar people have similar personalities to Japan people and tend to fit in easily in the workplace. There are many polite, humble, and cooperative people, and Myanmar specified technical interns with these characteristics will be welcomed by Japan companies. In addition, since the culture and religious views are close to those of Japan, it can be said that Japan people are comfortable interacting with Myanmar people. Having a high affinity with culture and religious views and being easy to adapt to the work environment is a great advantage in accepting foreign human resources.

"I respect my boss."
I mentioned the value of 'respecting superiors' as part of Myanmar's national traits, and this respect extends to the companies where technical intern trainees are placed. Many trainees tend to follow instructions and work diligently to show respect to their superiors within the company.

"High hospitality"
Myanmar people have a strong inclination to help those in need, a value deeply rooted in Buddhist teachings, where helping others is seen as a means to accumulate virtue. This spirit of hospitality makes Myanmar technical intern trainees well-suited for nursing care roles. Nursing care is also a popular choice among local technical intern training occupations, with a high number of applicants.